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A sprained ankle is a very common injury among people of all ages. It is estimated that 25,000 people experience this injury each day. Ankle sprains are usually caused by an injury that places stress on a joint or ruptures the supporting ligaments. A ruptured ligament is a less common occurrence. A ruptured ligament indicates a severe sprain. Rupturing occurs when the ligaments, which hold the ankle bones and joint in position, tear completely or separate from the bone, impairing proper joint function

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Ankle Ligament Rupture

Ankle Ligament RuptureA sprained ankle is an injury that happens when you twist, roll or turn your ankle in an awkward way. It can stretch or tear the tough bands of tissue that hold your ankle bones together. Ligaments prevent excessive movement and stabilize the joints. When the ligaments are forced to move beyond their normal range of motion, a sprained ankle occurs. A ruptured ligament indicates a severe sprain and is likely a less common occurrence.

Symptoms of a Child with an Ankle Ligament Rupture

Signs and symptoms of ruptured ligament vary depending on the severity of the injury. It may include:

  • The child feels a sudden pain, snapping or popping, and a tearing sensation. When it starts swelling around the ankle joint, it becomes impossible to bear the weight on the affected foot.
  • The severe tears on an ankle make your child feel unstable and wobbly. Even after the swelling has gone down, walking or running is nearly impossible.
  • As you child moves his or her foot, the parent may hear a clicking or grinding sound.

Other symptoms may include:

  • Tenderness when touching the ankle
  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Instability in the ankle
  • Popping sensation
  • Restricted range of motion


What are the Symptoms of Ankle Ligament Rupture?

The symptoms of an ankle ligament rupture include sudden pain, swelling, and bruising around the ankle joint. The affected individual may have difficulty bearing weight on the injured foot and may experience instability or a feeling of “giving way” of the ankle. Additionally, patients may hear a popping or tearing sensation at the time of the injury.

How is an Ankle Ligament Rupture Diagnosed?

An ankle ligament rupture is typically diagnosed by a healthcare professional through a physical examination and medical history. The doctor will assess the extent of the injury, test the stability of the ankle joint, and may order imaging tests such as X-rays or MRI to rule out fractures and assess the severity of the ligament tear.

What is the Treatment for an Ankle Ligament Rupture?

The treatment for an ankle ligament rupture depends on the severity of the injury. In mild cases, conservative treatment such as rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE therapy), along with immobilization using a brace or splint, may provide healing and recovery. Doctors often recommend Physical therapy to strengthen the ankle, improve balance, and prevent future injuries. In more severe cases with complete ligament tears or significant instability, doctors may recommend surgical intervention to repair or reconstruct the damaged ligament and restore stability to the ankle joint.

The Pediatric Doctors at the Medical City Children’s Orthopedics and Spine Specialists are Experts in treating children’s ankle conditions 

Causes Of Ankle Ligament Rupture

When the ankle moves out of its normal position with a sudden force, a sprain occurs. One or more of the ankle’s ligaments get stretched, partially torn, or torn completely.

The causes of ankle ligament rupture include:

  • A sudden accident or fall can twist an ankle.
  • When a child lands awkwardly on one foot after running, jumping, or pivoting.
  • Falling on the heels of the feet.
  • Walking or exercising on an uneven surface.
  • When another person steps or lands on your child’s foot during a sports activity.

When To Seek Medical Advice?

After the injury has occurred, check whether your child can put weight on his or her foot for 20 minutes. If not, it’s necessary to see a doctor. The doctor will take an x-ray to check for any broken bones in the ankle; however, it will not show any sign of soft tissue damage. For less severe injuries, you can treat the sprains at home as well. But it is better not to leave the ankle sprain untreated for a very long time.

The supportive structures around the ankle get stretched causing micro-tears or the tearing of the bone altogether. However, proper treatment can prevent long-term instability and the chances of other issues like arthritis. When you seek medical treatment for ankle ligament rupture, it helps us to understand how the ankle injury occurred.

How Are Ankle Ligament Ruptures Diagnosed In A Child?

Ankle Ligament Rupture is diagnosed depending upon the physical findings and functional loss from grade I – grade – III:

A grade I sprain: The child or young adult at this stage may experience mild swelling and instability. In most cases, there is no sign of joint instability and the patient can move with minimal pain. Generally, these injuries get recovered without medical intervention.

A grade II sprain: This is the more severe injury that involves an incomplete tear of the ligament. In this situation, the child may experience moderate pain, tenderness, bruising, and swelling. They might face some restrictions in motion and loss of function. Above all, carrying the body weight and movement can get painful.

A grade III sprain: At this stage, after an X-ray, you will find a complete tear of a ligament. Here the pain gets unbearable with severe swelling, pain, bruising, and tenderness. If the doctors find any significant mechanical instability on the exam, they might require surgery.

Treatment Of Ankle Ligament Rupture

The treatment of Ankle Ligament Rupture begins with a thorough diagnosis. Generally, it includes a physical examination that tests stability, motion, and ability to bear weight and reviews the history of the injury. For severe cases and to detect the problem more accurately, the health care professionals may suggest an MRI or an ultrasound scan. Initially, an X-ray is necessary to check for a fracture.

The treatment options are:

  • Non-surgical

Physiotherapy can treat partial ankle ligament tears. To help build up the muscles around an ankle, your child will need to conduct some exercises. It improves stability and prevents re-injury. A full tear, though, will need immobilization for three weeks. The doctors recommend targeted massage to stimulate blood flow. It boosts the healing process and reduces the build-ups and the thickening caused by scar tissue.

  • Injections

The injection therapy reduces inflammation after the ligament tear.

  • Surgery

A healthcare professional suggests surgery if the ligament rupture has damaged the other structures of your ankle. Surgery is also recommended during long-term instability or other conditions like arthritis. Through surgery, surgeons can repair damaged ligaments by stitching them back together and re-attaching them to the bone or replacing them with a graft. Moreover, surgeons conduct ankle ligament rupture surgery by using keyhole (arthroscopic) surgery.

Care At Home

If your child has a sprained ankle and if the pain is not serious, parents can take care of it at home as well. Use the first aid principles or the RICE strategy – Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation, and ankle Exercises. Without a doubt, it’s necessary to start the treatment and continue for three to four days.

  1.  Rest – Give rest to the injured area and avoid pain-causing activities. If it’s difficult to walk, use crutches.
  2.  Ice – For 10-15 minutes, apply ice to the injured area. At this time, never place the ice directly on the skin. Ice the injury for two to three days, every two to four hours. Make your own DIY ice pack using a plastic bag with water and some ice in it. This molds better to the joints than ice alone.
  3.  Compression – Fasten a firm bandage that is not too tight and does not prevent circulation or cause extra pain. Leave the toes and do not cover the ankle right down to the foot.
  4.  Elevation – It’s important to reduce the swelling by raising the ankle whenever possible.

Risk factors

Factors that increase the chances of ankle ligament rupture risk of a sprained ankle include:

  • Sports participation

Ankle ligament tear is very common during sports injuries. It is more in particular sports like cutting action, jumping, rolling, or twisting of the foot like tennis, football, basketball, soccer, and trail running.

  • Uneven surfaces

The risk of an ankle sprain increases during walking or running on a poor field or uneven surface.

  • Prior ankle injury

If your child has experienced sprained ankles before, they are likely to sprain them again.

  • Poor physical condition

The less flexibility or poor strength in the ankles increases the risk of spraining muscles.

  • Improper unfitting shoes

If shoes don’t fit your child properly or are not appropriate for an activity, the ankles are more vulnerable to injury.


When you fail to treat the sprained ankle properly, it will take longer to heal and could lead to the following complications:

  • Arthritis in the ankle joint
  • Chronic ankle pain
  • Chronic ankle joint instability


The following tips will help parents prevent ankle ligament ruptures in their children:

  • Warm up before any physical activities.
  • Walk or run carefully on an uneven surface.
  • Wear fitting shoes.
  • Exercise daily to maintain good muscle strength and flexibility.

The Expertise at Medical City Children

Finally, if your child has a sprained ligament rupture or severe muscle sprain, you should see one of our doctors at Medical City Children’s Orthopedics and Spine Specialists as soon as possible.

Parents should consider bringing their child to Medical City Children’s Orthopedics and Spine Specialists for ankle injuries for several compelling reasons:

  • Specialized Pediatric Expertise: Medical City Children’s Orthopedics and Spine Specialists exclusively focus on infants, children, and adolescents, providing specialized care tailored to the unique needs of young patients. Their experience and training in pediatric orthopedics ensure that children receive the most appropriate and effective treatments for their specific ankle injuries.
  • Comprehensive Care: The medical center offers comprehensive care for a wide range of pediatric orthopedic conditions, including ankle injuries. From initial evaluation and diagnosis to advanced treatments and rehabilitation, parents can expect a holistic approach to their child’s care, all within one specialized facility.
  • State-of-the-Art Technology: The medical center utilizes the latest advancements in pediatric orthopedics, including imaging and diagnostic tools, to accurately assess and diagnose ankle injuries. This cutting-edge technology ensures that the child receives the most precise and efficient care.
  • Multi-Disciplinary Team: Medical City Children’s Orthopedics and Spine Specialists work collaboratively with other pediatric specialists, such as pediatric neurologists, physical therapists, and sports medicine experts, to provide well-rounded care for the child’s overall health and well-being.
  • Minimally Invasive Techniques: The medical center emphasizes minimally invasive approaches whenever possible, which can lead to quicker recovery times, reduced pain, and improved outcomes for children with ankle injuries.
  • Personalized Treatment Plans: Each child’s ankle injury is unique, and Medical City Children’s Orthopedics and Spine Specialists develop individualized treatment plans to address specific needs, taking into account the child’s age, growth, and activity level.


By choosing Medical City Children’s Orthopedics and Spine Specialists, with offices in Arlington, Dallas, Flower Mound, Frisco, and McKinney, TX, for their child’s ankle injury, parents can rest assured that their little one will receive expert care from a team dedicated to ensuring the best possible outcomes and a swift return to an active and healthy life.



London Foot and Ankle Surgery: Ankle Ligament Repair Surgery


Call 214-556-0590 to make an appointment.

Comprehensive services for children from birth through adolescence at five convenient locations: Arlington, Dallas, Flower Mound, Frisco and McKinney.