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Healing Broken Bones


A body begins to repair and replace the bone after a fracture. A balanced diet full of nutrients helps hasten the mending of a broken bone.

If your child needs surgery or casting, our Fracture Care Clinic opens every day and you do not need an appointment. Surgery rooms get scheduled every morning, so your child receives the care and attention they need right away.

Bone Healing Explained

need to explain how they heal


Six Tips for Broken Bone Healing


Nutrition for Broken Bone HealingAnyone can experience a broken bone at any time. The most frequent causes of a broken bone are accidents, sports injuries, different illnesses, chronic disorders, and falls. A balanced diet full of nutrients helps hasten the mending of a broken bone.

1. Protein Intake

Protein makes up around half of the construction of your bones. Instead of taking medication, a well-balanced meal is a great way to acquire the nourishment you need. The inflammatory reaction that follows a fracture accumulates the protein building blocks needed to generate new bone tissue. For broken bone healing, obtaining adequate protein is crucial. Meat, fish, milk, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, almonds, seeds, beans, soy products, and fortified cereals are examples of natural sources of protein.

2. Calorie Intake

It takes additional energy during a broken bone healing process for your broken bone. Your body requires more calories in order to fuel this additional energy. Your size, weight, and the degree of the break will all

3. Nutrients for Healthy Bones:


Please note that calcium plays a significant part in the development of our bones. Consuming calcium-rich foods will help your bones heal if they are fractured, so do so. Vitamins B6, D, and K are other highly significant nutrients, in addition to calcium. Additionally, minerals such as silicon, copper, phosphorus, zinc, and magnesium assist you in fusing your bones. You should thus boost your diet of green vegetables, citrus fruits, broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage, among other foods.

4. Vitamins

Many of the metabolic processes involved in broken bone healing are accelerated by vitamins. The B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin D, and vitamin K in particular are important for bone regeneration.

Vitamin D

To aid in broken bone healing, patients should consume Vitamin D on a regular basis. It aids in calcium absorption, utilization, and bone mineralization in your blood. Spending a modest amount of time outside each day might help since sunshine provides vitamin D to your skin; for someone with fair skin, 15 minutes will do the job. Only a few foods, including egg yolks and fatty fish, naturally contain vitamin D; nevertheless, it is often added by manufacturers to other meals, such as milk or orange juice

Vitamin K2

If you want to maintain healthy bones and hasten the healing of a broken bone, the appropriate nutrients might be beneficial. While many people mistakenly believe that all you need for strong, healthy bones is calcium, vitamin K really works in conjunction with calcium to do so. Cofactors for bone formation include vitamin K. As a result, in order to start the process of broken bone healing and create strong bones, you also need calcium and other minerals.

Two types of vitamin K exist. Phylloquinone, or vitamin K1, is found in plant foods like leafy greens. Vitamin K2 or menaquinone is found in animal products and fermented foods like sauerkraut. Two proteins, matrix GLA protein, and osteocalcin, which work together with calcium to help create and maintain strong bones, are activated by vitamin K2. In order to prevent osteoporosis and fractures, vitamin K2 is crucial.

5. Physical Therapy

To assist you in getting back on your feet, your doctor may probably recommend a treatment plan. This strategy frequently involves physical therapy. Physical therapy professionals understand how to get you going without endangering further injuries. Also, they are experts in treating the soft tissue close to the fracture site. The broken bone heals more quickly as a result of receiving new blood and oxygen. Physical therapy helps people gain strength following the first period of restricted movement that frequently follows a fracture.

Your therapist collaborates with you on physical therapy routines to build up the muscles surrounding the fracture. Additionally, they’ll aim to increase your range of motion and strengthen the nearby joints. Through the improvement of your strength, flexibility, and balance, this sort of physical therapy helps broken bones mend more quickly and helps avoid future broken bones. Talk to your doctor about a physical therapy treatment plan if you lately had horrible luck with fractured bones.

6. Foods to Avoid while Recovering from a Broken Bone

Limiting or avoiding vaping or smoking, salt, and coffee is preferable.


A high-sodium diet might cause your urine to excrete more calcium. 6 grams or one teaspoon of salt per day is sufficient. Calcium is essential for developing stronger bones.


A higher daily coffee intake might hinder broken bone healing. It may cause you to urinate more frequently, which indicates that more calcium—important for bone health—is leaving your body.


In order to grow and keep strong bones throughout your child’s life, proper nutrition is crucial. Nutrition is just one factor in the complex puzzle that is bone health. Finally, don’t forget to practice healthy behaviors, exercise, and maintain a balanced diet.

Finally, if you would like to further discuss nutrition and learn about healthy eating for your child, please schedule an appointment with one of our pediatric orthopedic doctors.

Call 214-556-0590 to make an appointment.

Comprehensive services for children from birth through adolescence at five convenient locations: Arlington, Dallas, Flower Mound, Frisco and McKinney.