Scoliosis and Genetics

Scoliosis & Genetics   Scoliosis is a spinal condition that affects people in different ways. Some patients suffer from severe scoliosis while others only possess a mild experience. The most prevalent form of scoliosis refers to idiopathic scoliosis. Research...

Growth Plates

Children’s Growth Plates:   Nutrition becomes very important in maintaining the normal growth and development of a child. However, a child’s growth also depends on the bone growth plates themselves. When a plate becomes damaged through sports accidents,...

Brittle Bone Disease

Osteogenesis Imperfecta in Children:   Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), also known as brittle bone disease, is a genetic (inherited) disorder characterized by bones that break easily without a specific cause. Further information reveals that an estimated 20,000 to...

Fiberglass and Plaster Casts

Difference Between Fiberglass and Plaster Casts for Broken Bones:   When a bone is broken, it needs to be supported so that it can heal properly, Orthopedic specialists use casts to protect and support the broken bones. A cast refers to a supportive bandage that...

Fracture Clinic

Pediatric Fracture Clinic:   A broken bone is not new to children considering how active they are. Growing children are prone to growth plate fractures, an injury that can affect the growth and development of the child’s bone; thereby, affecting the length of the...